Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Man I'm Behind!

It's been months since I've posted a blog..and a lot has gone on. A move, new job, change in college major (again!), surgery, Summer II classes..too much! Life has been overwhelming the past couple of months.

In May I moved back in with my mom in Pampa. It was a BIG change from living on my own in a big city for 3 years, but my dad decided he couldn't help me pay my bills, and I couldn't get enough hours at work while going to school full time to pay rent, utilities, and a car payment. So I'm back in the black hole of the Texas panhandle until December. I'll be driving 2 hours a day to go to school in Amarillo now. Thankfully, God provided me with a job at the same assisted living home that my mom is director of, and I've actually upgraded from a Certified Nurses Aid to a Medication Aid, which is actually pretty interesting!

In June I had my gall bladder taken out. Initially, the doctor, who my mom previously worked for, wasn't sure that my gall bladder was the problem, but after taking it out we were all glad he did. I had chronic Cholecystitis (gall bladder disease) as well as Cholesterolosis, which is a build up of cholesterol in the walls of my gall bladder. Colesterolosis is abnormal and now I've got to have my cholesterol checked to make sure my levels are normal. No more fast food for me!Obviously I haven't been eating enough Cheerios :) I would put pictures from my surgery up, but I doubt anyone wants to see my guts!

The second week of July I started Summer II classes. I didn't know if I was going to be able to handle taking two classes that are condensed into five weeks and work at the same time, but I pushed through and pulled off a 4.0 GPA! After becoming a Private Investigator in February, I decided to change my major for the trillionth time. My major is now Criminal Justice with a minor in Forensics. I've always considered this major in the back of my mind, but now that I've had an opportunity to work in this field, I know this is what I want to do! Thankfully, all of my pre-reqs from the nursing program actually go right along with the degree plan for Criminal Justice. Once I'm out of school in about two years, I'll be able to start a career as a Criminal Investigator. After I've worked for three years I can apply for a position with the FBI. So cool! I've learned it's not necessarily what you know that's important, but also WHO you know! I'm hoping my PI boss will be able to help me out.

Another big change is in store for me in Decemeber. If everything goes as planned, I'm hoping to move to Orlando to room with my best friend and attend the University of Central Florida to finish up school. I love Texas, but I want change! I want to live outside my "comfort zone" at least once before I get married and have kids. I've been praying about it, and ultimately, I'm leaving it up to God. He'll put me where I need to be.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's About That Time Again

I admit it. I'm a failure at blogging. Honestly, though, I would have written a blog as I got back from Florida if I hadn't been busy with work, research papers, unpacking (3 weeks later!), procrastinating getting my car inspected (it had only been out for 7 months..oops!), and countless other things. Anyways, Florida was just as amazing as I knew it would be. I've been there before, but I think my best friend being there had something to do with me falling in love with the sunny state. It was nice to see where she's been living for the past year, meet some of her new friends, go shopping, hang out at the beach, and just relax! Here's a picture of Jessie, my best friend Angie, and myself at Cocoa Beach.

I was busy while I was there, but I've been pretty busy since I've been home as well. I finally got back into church after a long separation caused by my work schedule. Trinity Fellowship Church here has an awesome worship service here for young adults ages 20-25, called North. The pastor talks a lot about the different challeges people my age face, and every service has really hit home. The people there are so welcoming and supportive, and I must say it feels good to have a church to call "home" here in Amarillo.

On a not-so-bright note, I go Monday morning to have a HydraScan done on my gall-bladder. The 2 hour procedure will tell me if I need to have another surgery to have my gall-bladder taken out. I'm really praying that I don't have to, seeing as I just had surgery in October to fix what the surgeon messed up when I had my appendix taken out a few years ago. Not to mention, I'm already guaranteed another surgery in at least 2 years to correct my other problems By the time the doctors are done poking and prodding at me I'll have had probably 6 or 7 surgeries in a matter of 5 years. I was kind of hoping that my aggressive outbursts in the recovery room due to anesthesia would make them correct more in fewer surgeries, but obviously that's not the way it works ;-) I'm getting off here now, I have to go put my Sam's card to good use!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Yep, I'm New At This In Case You Couldn't Tell

Call me lazy, but I've never really taken the time to sit down and compose all of my thoughts into complete sentences. After my mom told me that (more than!) a few of my family members were big bloggers, I decided to give it a shot and see what I could come up with. I would love to get closer with my extended family, and I've enjoyed keeping up with all their crazy lives. Hopefully my blogs can be just as entertaining as their's once I get the hang of this! Between school, working full time for a nursing home, and also working as a Private Investigator part time, I hardly have time to fit in sleep, eating, and homework, much less blogging! Things have been a little trying here lately. My relationship with the Lord has definitely been tested, and I've been praying for God's strength and guidance more than ever. Thank goodness spring break is this coming week. I have a friend whose parents are flight attendants for Southwest Airlines, so I am flying to Orlando, Florida and staying for an entire week! It's been snowing here for two days, so I can't WAIT to be laying out on Daytona Beach in 90 degree weather. I also have a prayer request for anyone who might read this. My friend Jessica Villegas married a guy named Miguel a little over two years ago. She has a 4 year old son, and they are expecting their second son on March 26th. Miguel was on his way to work about 45 minutes from where we live, and his vehicle was struck by a semi pulling out of a feed lot. It crushed his arm, and they did surgery to remove it. While he was in the hospital, he became septic, meaning he had an infection in his blood. He was put on a ventilator and IV antibiotics, but they did no good. He passed away yesterday night, and his funeral will be on Monday afternoon. Please pray for Jessica, their son Xavier, and the baby she is about to have. Anyways, I have got to get to bed now. It's almost 2am. YIKES!